Saturday, February 28, 2009



Galanthus nivalis, common snowdrop, flowering on a roadside. My jeans' knees are now dirty :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

fractal feather background

feathers fractal

free large format of this image will be available for a week at image hosting. Careful, over 6Mb there

other fractals for sale at shutterstock

Monday, February 23, 2009

instant sunshine

well, what can I say

today is quite gloomy here, so a pic from costa del sol with (appropriately) sun in it. Btw, when you fully close the aperture in order to take this type of "star sun" image, what does the number of visible rays depend on? )there are eight of them on this one). My guess is the number of "petals" in the lens, but not sure.

btw2 - not dissimilar picture remains my bestseller on istockphoto site, accumulating over 400 dollars by now. There are pictures with lot more sales there, but they belong to other people, alas)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

true colors : photovandalism

true colors

almost monochrome image of narrow street in Fuengirola. Was too boring in original shape, so played with it in photoshop and quite like the results :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009


should be sliding, but

Spain, Fuengirola beach. Well, you can't see where it is, you have to take my word for is

full frame at lori

Thursday, February 12, 2009

lipsticky lips

it's amazing what Apophysis software can do almost with no input from me

fractal "kisses"


Friday, February 06, 2009

still snowing

still snowing today. as it is a wrong type of snow (as usual), schools opened in the morning but then closed again.

Thursday, February 05, 2009


I've tried to teach Timur "wet-into-wet-on-limited-area" technique (see example here).
He watched with interest, nodded wisely, said that he understood everything and then produced this dragon - that has nothing to do with the technique, but is very pic in his very own style.

Sunday, February 01, 2009