Saturday, June 05, 2010

green chrysanthemums


bought a bunch of those green chrysanthemums at Saffron Walden market. With flowers of unusual colors, it's always interesting to find out if they are "real" or if they are colored somehow - bright blue mums are pretty obviously colored, for example.

turns out, those are "real", that is - they grow like this. And I also found a place that sells them (here), and am now considering buying a couple of plants. question is, where to put them.

On almost completely unrelated note - my friend, Lena Rostunova, who does a lot of street photography in London (among other things), a little while ago added a set of pictures from Columbia Road flower market to her blog. I thought I saw the same seller that works at Saffron Walden on Saturdays. I asked him - and yes, they do Columbia road market on Sundays. No surprise really - it's not far, but I tend to find those little connections funny
green mums on shutterstock


nameless__one said...

Слушай, а чего ты на youtube комменты отключила?

Tamara Kulikova said...

знаешь, там бывают такие комменты, что ну его нафиг